Image pre-processing utility

AVIDark has now been superseded by iPrep, which provides all the functionality of AVIDark (and more) in a much more interactive manner.

Images collected by iCatch are stored in an AVI file, one frame per image. Using AVIDark you can perform batch pre-processing on all the images in an AVI, in order to correct certain features and artefacts.

A particular problem with the 1004x camera is a tendency to introduce a slightly darkened horizontal bar about a third of the way down the image. AVIDark allows you to remove this effect, which will allow you to perform more aggressive stretching on images if you need to.

AVIDark is a relatively simple program, but I find it very useful. It allows you to:

As usual, the program is offered 'as-is' with no guarantees made as to fitness or suitability for any purpose, and no liability assumed for any loss or damage resulting from its use. I use it regularly and have not had any trouble with it. However the downloading and use of the program is done at your own risk.

You may not sell or re-distribute AVIDark, but you may freely download it from this site or publish links to this page.

Download AVIDark version 1.3  (25Kb)...
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