J-Scope VST Oscilloscope plugin

J-Scope is a VST* oscilloscope plugin, which can prove invaluable to anyone who develops audio software and has a need to diagnose problems or visualise waveforms.
In operation it is very similar to a real oscilloscope, and most controls will be familiar to anybody who has used a hardware 'scope. The addition of a control for phosphor decay time allows the examination of rapidly changing waveforms as well as slowly evolving sound envelopes.
J-Scope accepts a stereo signal, and can display it in several modes:
- Two separate traces, L and R
- Single trace, sum of L and R
- Single trace, difference between L and R
- X/Y (Lissajous) plot, L vs R
- X/Y (Lissajous) plot, Sum(L+R) vs Diff(L-R)
Other features of J-Scope include:
New in V1.1
- One-shot trigger mode with optional pre- or post-delay
- Linear, logarithmic and polar graticules
- Cursor measurement of level, time, frequency, note
- Timebase from 1s/div (0.1Hz) to 0.1ms/div (1kHz)
- Gain (Y) from x0.1 to x100
- DC or AC coupled
- Variable X-offset of trace(s)
- Y-offsets of stereo traces individually adjustable
- Adjustable trigger level, on positive or negative slopes
- Delayed triggering
- Display 'freeze' option
- Adjustable phosphor persistence
- Optional graticule with variable brightness
- 8 preset modes for quick setup
J-Scope is donation-ware, downloadable from this site only - you may not sell it, make
it available through any other website, or redistribute it in any way without my express permission.
Download JScopeV1_1.zip Windows 32-bit VST 2.4 zipfile, 438KB
Download JScope_x64_V1_1.zip Windows 64-bit VST 2.4 zipfile, 462KB
To install, simply extract the file jscope.dll or jscope_x64.dll and copy it to your VST directory.
If you find J-Scope useful, you might like to buy me a virtual beer by making a small donation.
J-Scope was developed using the excellent Skinman and Knobman GUI tools from g200kg.
Disclaimer: J-Scope is believed to function as described above
and is offered in good faith on an as-is basis. However, you use it at your own risk -
I cannot accept responsibility for any loss or damage caused by the installation or use of this software.
J-Scope is currently available as a 32-bit or 64-bit Windows VST 2.4 plugin.